Squirrel Investigations are Preston based professional investigators led by a former senior Police Detective Inspector. With a wealth of experience in a variety of cases, Squirrel can be trusted with all manner of cases for members of the public and for businesses.

The company ethos is to deliver the highest quality outcome, in a timely fashion, at a competitive price - something they are proud to say they accomplish case after case.

About us



Update re Covid 19 (30th June 2020)

Following our recent temporary closure, Squirrel Investigations are pleased to announce that from Wednesday the 1st July, staff are available for deployment once more. It has been a difficult period whereby we have had to refuse instructions, but that was necessary to protect our own health, and that of those with whom we come into contact. Moving forward, we will continue to monitor Government recommendations, and each instruction will, of course, be subject to a full risk assessment. 

Thank you for your understanding during this unprecedented period, and please, stay safe. 

Owner/Director Jes Holland has become a member of The Association of British Investigators. Founded back in 1913, The ABI is one of the oldest and most respected trade organisations. All its members are vetted, and must meet strict eligibility criteria, and, as a consequence, The ABI is the only body endorsed by The Law Society of England and Wales.

In addition to the above, Jes has very recently been awarded his IQ Level 3 Award for professional investigators. This qualification will likely form the basic requirement of any future licensing of the professional investigator industry, and demonstrates his determination to be a respected provider of such services.  

Case Studies

Number 1

Squirrel Investigations were instructed by a client who needed to confirm that an individual was still residing in the UK, and to confirm a place of residence in order to instigate civil proceedings. Observations were conducted at his last known address, and his parents address, together with places he was known to or suspected to frequent. This resulted in a positive identification of the individual, confirmation of his adress, and intelligence on his lifestyle which would/will prove useful when documents are required to be served on him. 

Key skills

Interviewing, De-briefing, Operational Planning, Risk Assessment, Surveillance and Tradecraft

Number 2

Squirrel Investigations were contacted by a client who required the service of a statutory demand on an individual. The client advised that the debtor was expected to be evasive, as previous serves had proved troublesome. Once the original documentation was reveived from the client, the documents were personally served within two business days. 

Key Skills

Negotiation and pre-planning, knowledge of process serving legislation, planning and preparation, reporting. 

A wide range of services, for a wide range of clients

private-services Private Services

Process Serving or Personal Service of Letters

In many instances, private clients need to prove to courts or their solicitors that they have made all reasonable attempts to inform third parties of an impending issue or problem. Having documented proof can and will assist in court cases, such as those involving ex-partners or tenants.


Tracing People

Private clients often need to locate someone, whether it be a family member or otherwise. Squirrel will utilise their extensive experience of detective tradecraft, coupled with modern investigative techniques to locate such people.


Marital Infidelity

Private clients increasingly seek confirmation of suspicions surrounding partners behaviour, and through the use of covert surveillance techniques, Squirrel can often confirm or negate such suspicions.


Lifestyle Reports

Available for prospective tenants, partners or other scenarios where an individual seeks to determine the suitability of a person, or their social habits.


corporate-services Corporate Services

Process Serving

Squirrel Investigations can offer corporate clients a fully professional service when it comes to serving any legal documentation, with the ability to meet the tightest deadlines, and providing professional reports and/or documents proving the service. In most cases, the service will be completed by Squirrel themselves, but where time or travel is a barrier, any agent used by Squirrel will still provide the highest quality service.


Property Trace & Recover

Squirrel Investigations employ the latest techniques to trace and recover property on behalf of their clients. This usually results in significant savings for the client, and protects their business. Careful consideration is given to the circumstances of each case, ensuring that due cognisance is given to the particular scenario to ensure the right approach is adopted. Evidence gathered during these operations is available for use in possible criminal prosecutions.


People Tracing

Similar to tracing property, and invariably linked, Squirrel use similar techniques to achieve their results



Corporate clients may need to know the movements of staff, especially when fraud is suspected. Squirrel Investigations can deliver lifestyle reports for use in disciplinary cases, utilising GPS tracking or directed surveillance. Squirrel Investigations will fully comply with any legislation, such as RIPA, and will document the consideration of intrusion, human rights and privacy laws. Counter surveillance measures are also available by special arrangement.


Private Investigator Services in Preston and surrounding areas

Ask any experienced detective, and at some point in the conversation, they will refer to 'tradecraft'. This could be in relation to covert operations, surveillance, or interview technique, but in general, it relates to experience learnt in the field.

One factor that can influence tradecraft, is location. If something doesn't fit into a particular location, then, it's likely to be compromised.

Most of our work is in and around Lancashire, although we are available to deploy throughout the country, or worldwide if so required. 













Get in touch for a friendly discussion



Squirrel Investigations Ltd,
Derby House Chambers,
Lytham Road,
Preston PR2 8JE

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